
Monday, May 10, 2021

A projectile moves in a parabolic path without air resistance is there any point at which its acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity? Explain.

 A projectile moves in a parabolic path without air resistance is there any point at which its acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity? Explain.

Image Solution of Question:

A projectile moves in a parabolic path without air resistance is there any point at which its acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity? Explain.
A projectile moves in a parabolic path without air resistance is there any point at which its acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity? Explain.

A projectile moves in a parabolic path without air resistance is there any point at which its acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity? Explain.

Answer: Yes,at the maximum height,the resultant velocity is directed along horizontal direction but the acceleration is directed vertically downward as shown in above figure.

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