
Saturday, February 20, 2021

A batter hits a baseball so that it leaves the bat with an initial speed of 37m/s at the angle of 53∘.Find the position of the ball and the magnitude and direction of its velocity after 2 seconds.Treat the baseball as a projectile.

 A batter hits a baseball so that it leaves the bat with an initial speed of 37m/s at the angle of 53∘.Find the position of the ball and the magnitude and direction of its velocity after 2 seconds.Treat the baseball as a projectile.

This question is from projectile motion.

A batter hits a baseball so that it leaves the bat with an initial speed of 37m/s at the angle of 53∘.Find the position of the ball and the magnitude and direction of its velocity after 2 seconds.Treat the baseball as a projectile.

Keywords:kinematics,projectile motion,numerical physics,physics numerical,projectile numerical problem. etc.

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