HariBodhini Ekadashi is the important festival of Nepal.This year Tulsi Bibah(HariBodhini Ekadashi) 2020 falls on 26 November(Mangsir 11,2077).Tulsi Bibah is perfectly marked as end of monsoon and beginning of wedding season(girlfriend bhagaune season).
As you know here you are seeing the live countdown timer of Tulsi Bibah date with exact time (days,hours,minutes and seconds).The timer will be stop to 0:00:00:00 if the date of this festival cross.
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How Many Days Until Tulsi Bibah/Mangsir Wedding Season Starts ? |
Actually the Tulsi Bibah is fully dedicating to Lord Bhisnu like as Lord Shiva is worshipped in Shivaratri.The unmarried girls take a fast,Tulsi Bibah Brata to get well husband in the wedding season of Mangsir in Nepal instead married women take fast and worshipped for the protection and promotion of thier family members including husband,children,mom,dad,and all relatives.
If we talk about the wedding season in nepal.Its famously known as marriage season and many boys take their wife in this season.
Here I have got one song that show the features of mangsir month in Nepali Society:
Artists : Bullet Flo' X Prince X Beyond X Karan Raj
Aaudo mangsir ma ghar bhitrauxu ...
sadi ra gahana na vaya k bho ra
Gunyo ra cholo mai timilai swikarxu...